I Like To Make Stuff.

Drawings, Paintings, Crafts

When I got on the road, I decided a big part of my life would be spent honoring my ever-present creative impulses. I haven’t done so as much as I’d like, but as I get more accomplished and comfortable at daily living as a nomad, I’m finding more time to create. I also sometimes have the opportunity to teach drawing classes to other nomads.



I began my career as an illustrator, and still very much enjoy making pictures. I just do it for fun now, using dry media such as graphite, charcoal and carbon pencils, Conté crayon and  chalk pastels.

I also like to draw with pen & ink and fineline permanent markers such as Pitt and Pigma Microns.


I like to paint landscapes and vignettes of the cool buildings and other places we visit. These become much more personal souvenirs than commercial postcards. I use watercolors, colored pencil, acrylics and oil pastels on various surfaces to make my paintings. Many of my works become gifts for family and friends.


I absolutely love woodcarving, though I’m still very much a novice. Another type of woodwork I enjoy is woodburning. I use my woodburner to create wood signs,  decorated boxes, birdhouses and more. I usually leave the designs plain but sometimes color them with paints and stains. 


I love all kinds of crafting, but my limited storage space ensures that I stick mainly to a few types: Beadwork, papercrafting, counted cross stitch, and I recently got started learning origami.  I also really enjoy making things out of natural materials I find during walks and hikes, such as small pieces of wood and stones.

Become A Maker With Personalized Coaching

Feel Like You Want to Make, Too—But Don’t Know How To Get Started?

I have taught drawing and painting since 1995 to both children and adults, including seniors. I still enjoy teaching on the road. Up till now, it’s all been in person, one-on-one or one-to-a-few interaction. Although I believe that remains the best way to learn, the realities of different locations are easy to overcome today, thanks to modern communication technology.

I’m in the process of developing distance learning courses for pencil drawing and watercolor painting. I may also add colored pencil painting in the future. Till then, read more about what’s available now at right, then click the button below to contact me about meeting on the road for an in-person class, or creating a custom distance learning course for you or your kids.

What Kind Of Making Is For Me?


Good drawing skills are the basis of success in nearly all other forms of art. They’re also the easiest to learn, because the tools are ones almost everyone is already familiar with. I teach using my proprietary Structura System, which I developed over decades of borrowing from the most effective methods I learned through.


My strength as a painter is using oils, but that method is a bit too involved for use in the small space of an RV. So while I’m on the road, I tend to use media that allow me to use smaller painting surfaces, simpler techniques and fast-drying mediums. I use and teach painting with liquid acrylics, watercolors (tube, pan and marker brush form), and colored pencils.


I don’t currently teach my woodworking techniques, but if you’re interested, let me know and I could develop a course just for you.


Crafting with found objects in nature is a joy for all ages, and uses easy-to-find, cheap-to-buy, and easy-to-use elements, tools, adhesives and decorating techniques. Let me know what you’re interested in making, and I can probably create one or more lessons to help you do so.

Though I don’t teach cross stitch or other needle arts, I do create some of my own patterns for counted cross stitch. I can teach you to do the same relatively easily, or create one for you. The cost of creating a custom pattern depends on the size, intricacy and reusability of the design.

 Have Questions About Making?

If you’re interested in learning how to create your own arts and crafts,
let me know if you think maybe I can help. You may also use this contact form to ask any other questions about making.


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