My Full Time RV Life: It Begins…
This Labor Day weekend—August 31 through September 3—is my very first camping in my newly remodeled travel trailer. In fact, it is my first-ever stay in an RV in my whole life.

Insulating In-Deck and Under-Seat Storage
One of the things I discovered was that underneath the front deck, behind the center bench of the U-shaped dinette, is a BUNCH of wasted space. Wasted, because it’s covered beneath a permanently affixed top surface, which I first started eyeing because that surface is clearly too thin and flimsy to support much. I realize that in regular camping concepts, it wouldn’t need to support much. But in a fulltime living situation, every single space must earn its keep.

A Little Spice, Part 2
I’ve been so busy working on the trailer, and sorting and packing up my household items for storage, donation or my upcoming moving sale, that I haven’t had time to post here for a couple months. Frustrations At first, it was quite frustrating, because every weekend...
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